Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Caleb and Gabriel

Caleb, give auntie Sarah a kiss...

The boys doing 'so big' on the way home from meeting. 

The cutest picture EVER

Not to bad either :-)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Misc again

Gabriel climbing under the cart at Aldi

Bonnie sent sweet corn home with us on Sunday. Oh my word. It was absolutely delicious. All 6 of these cobs were gone within 15 minutes!
Mollie loves corn on the cob....


Duck face

Just like his mama. Sleeping with his phone.

Sweet sweet boy. And dog :-)

Our child is an absolute horrible terror child. This is him trying to beat up Caleb. Why Caleb puts up with him? We have no idea. Caleb is one awesome kid!

Caleb pulled out a wet wipe from the container, lifted up his shirt, and started cleaning up his tummy. Ha. Gabriel just had to be involved in the photo I guess- (the self centered, attention seeking, holy terror child!).

Monday, July 22, 2013


Just charming us in his high chair

We named our kittens. This one we didn't know what to name. So Terry said how bout 'Generic'    
We call him Jen for short. :-)

Jen playing with Mavric's tail

Gabriel's pitch a fit

To all those who think our child is an angel:


Little Caleb ended up with a broken tibia... the explanation of his limping. He got this boot, but they said he didn't have to wear it. He had it on this day, but hasn't worn it since. He is doing much better now though!

Tyler came into the wash one day- so Gabriel was helping him drive :-)

We couldn't find a needle and thread around our house. Grandma Jan to the rescue!!! And Gabriel watched her every move!

We went to the fair one Saturday. We fell in love with the goats... they were so fun. Gabriel loved them too!
The goats would stick their heads out to touch Gabriel.

Mama's two goats :-)

Out on the boat with Alex

We got to take the boat out with Alex... We were so happy she could come with us. Gabriel thinks she's the best big cousin ever. (Allanah-- you better step up!!! :-p)

Alex getting him in his life jacket.


This is fun!


A family photo!!! Mollie and Mavric were along.... but Mavric in the boat, and Mollie out swimming!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Auntie Jen got this piano for Gabriel when we went to see her and the boys love pressing its nose for a new song! 

Ken and Carol Haynes brought these pj's for Gabriel when they came to see us. It reminds me so much of Gramps and all his 'skillful playing' at rook.
'When I score IT'S SKILL, IF you score, IT'S LUCK'

Mollie hates it when we leave her home and go somewhere. She gave Terry those sad eyes yesterday as he left for a quick run to Whitewater. But she came running in to see I was still laying on the floor. She was very happy I hadn't left her too- and would make sure I didn't by laying on top of me.

Just a cute smile as he was on the pot this morning.

Dawn brought Gabriel this shirt today. :-)

Thankfully Alex is here today and she has nothing better to do than play with Gabriel (he thinks). This is the spinning on the chair game!

Caleb and Gabriel videos

Time with Caleb and Time at Parker's

Dr Ault giving Mommy an adjustment

Gabriel likes to 'kiss the baby'

Boys in the tub:

Gabriel LOVES his daddy!

We took a Saturday and went to the Parker's. We got to meet little Phebe Jo!!!
Lydia took a picture of herself.

This is where I sat all day long. Sick. But holding this little sweetheart!!

Baby switch.

Cuddle time - yanking on Mollie's ear

Happy boy

I love his grin!

Boys dancing on the table

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Final Catch Up!

Three gray kittens... Calico started out kind of anti-social. She has definitely come around... just no pics of her yet!

Two peas in a pod
Good ole pals!

Mommy was sick (does everyone know I'm pregnant?) so she was laying down- and Gabriel was rambling all over the front seat while Daddy loaded up stuff at Menards!

Terry had had ENOUGH of these nasty curtains. They now are Mavric's bed.  He doesn't mind them a bit!


Mollie is convinced there is something in there???

Discovered the ladder..... What a BOY!

And a ham.... he was sitting in his toy basket, eating chips with Raughn at work. Ha.

He lost the nipple of his sippy. Don't worry- he'll just suck on that handle.

Look at me!

Could I go up just one more?!

And this post is actually of today.... be back in a month! ha!
Baby number 3 has a due date of February 12th!!