Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gabriel has one of these teething necklaces that Darla told us about. This is the first night we put it on him...  Terry asked forgivenes for putting such a thing on him, and Gabriel was happy to forgive him. Kinda creepy, but hey- if the necklace keeps us only changing his clothes once a day instead of 7- we're game!

This is a picture I actually am getting printed.... we hardly ever print pictures... but this is so good of both of my two favorite men!

Gabriel all bundled up in Daddy's sweatshirt so he could come with us to watch the doggies run. Stinkin' winter---it's cold!


Any who know Mollie, they will realize just how LONG it took me to make her lay down next to Gabriel... So long, Mavric was already kind of starting to get up from nicely laying down. :)

1 comment:

  1. Cheers for the 'amber beads'! It seems like the term 'amber beads' works better than 'necklace' for some ppl. :-) Regardless, it's been a lifesaver for us; glads it's been so successful for you!
    You have some smiley boys and charming dogs on your hand. Lotsa fun company! I love how Mollie is sooo ready to spring at your beckoning call.
