Friday, June 20, 2014

Gabriel and Daddy's favorite tractor place :)

Gideon has a hard time looking too cute in pictures and not like a retard. We love him to pieces anyway :)

Ever since we went up north, everything is about Unco Mate's cow (or anything- saw, boot, whatever) and Unco ShaSha's tractors (doesn't matter who the tractor was actually from- it is from Unco ShaSha) (oh yes, and he doesn't have aunties- just unco's.)

Gideon gets a third (had 2 in our 2nd hospital stay) MRI on Tuesday because his head is so big. We're hoping it is nothing and he just has a lot of brains, but there could be something which would explain his lazy eye too.

Gabriel putting dishes away :-)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Silly dufus

Blacktop driveway!

Another silly dufus!

Snuggle buds

A little pick-me-up

birthday stampers from Nate and Darla!!!!

Are we taking pictures now? 

TRACTOR cake!!!!!!

Helping Daddy make sure the fence posts are level

And pour sakrete.....

Playing meeting!!!!

Nigh night

This could be a problem when he is 4. Right now it's cute and I can't get him to take a paci. No matter what I do.

Ha. This didn't last long.

On our way to Nate and Darla's. Mollie is running like a crazy woman. Mavric was pooped just by jumping out of the van.

Mavric slept with Gabriel.

Mollie on their pet bed :-)

Ok I absolutely love the dvd player in the van.

Carol Wagie was in town!

I love my grandma dearly. But this cracked me up so much I had to take a picture.

Giving Gideon a ride

Dirty butt

Caleb didn't want to go nigh night. So I put Gabriel down and 5 minutes later came back. Caleb had gone nigh night.

He loves helping uncle Raughn at the carwash.


I love my baby :)

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all

Sleeps like daddy