Monday, December 10, 2012

Gabriel being a big boy holding his own bottle. He got startled when he dropped it when he fell asleep! Mavric is there for support- bring an example of how to sleep.

Abigail can't wait to be a big sister again!!!! Meanwhile, she is getting a baby fix with Gabriel.  And.... he loves it!

'Where's Gabriel?'   'Oh, he's over on his potty chair doing a job.'
This is what we found.  He can now get himself off the potty chair and play just as well on the floor!

Helping Daddy drive out at the business park while Mollie and Mavric run.

 We went to Tom and Dawn's a couple evenings in a row this week... Uncle Tom brought out the four wheeler!! Gabriel thought it was GREAT! He can't wait to go again.

Terry and I took Caleb and Gabriel shopping. I even had fun at Menards watching these kids!
Kohl's was out of double carts. Oh well- they can share.

I love Caleb's expression- caught in action. :)

Caleb has had about enough of the whole car thing. But Gabriel is still having a blast-

Big boy- he is driving!
 This is what happened within 1 minute of bring on the road on the way home.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gabriel and Grandma O enjoying each other!
Saturday was our first Saturday in a long time that we were at home and not working. We thought we would have a great day to clean up the house. First thing was to get the laundry out of the dryer. Ooops- our free dryer that we got on the curb 2 years ago finally died for good. So off to get a dryer. Then we hadn't been over to see Grandma Ortelle forEVER- life is crazy. So we thought it was a great day to take lunch to her. And last- we enjoyed a VERY funfilled evening with Larry, Karina, and the kids- who cares about having a clean house!!!!